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Year 6-11

Revision Resources

Steps to access the Year 7-9 Revision Resources

To access the Revision Resources location, students need to log in to RM Unify using the link at the top of the school website or by clicking on the image below. This will take you to the RM Unify Login Page.

RM Unify

Log in to RM Unify using your normal school username and password, then click on the "Year 7-9 Revision Resources" tile.
Type your school email address and press next to log in.
(your school email address is in the format So if your username is smith, your email address is

Phone or Tablet

If you are accessing this on an iPhone/iPad, tablet, phone or other mobile device, please ensure you have the Google Drive app downloaded, and sign in to the Google Drive app with your Pudsey Grammar School Google account. Once you have signed in, click on the link above to log in to RM Unify. When logged in, click the "Year 7-9 Revision Resources" tile and it will open the link in your Google Drive app.


Ensure you are logged in to your Pudsey Grammar School Google account.
If you see a message saying "You need permission" you are not signed in with your Pudsey Grammar Google account.
Click on the Switch Accounts button near the top right and sign in using your school account.

Do not click the button that says request access.